This summer we took a day trip to Baker Lake , near Cascades National Park.

Sometimes we would stop for a picture - but many times I got these shots out the window - at 50 mph - love the technology these days!!!

Arriving at Sedro Woolley - we didn't stop - but just long enough at a stop light for this sign - with clouds . . .

Today it is a tiny town, with a scanty business district. This fabulous sign points to many businesses, but when we went looking for them, found most had closed. I asked one resident where we could get a sandwich in town and he said that we would have to go to the next town, back down the way we had come to Concrete.

I'm not sure what this building is now - it says Police Department over the door - but the signs show that a thrift store had recently been here. The painting is wonderful of the valley and river.
I was excited to find a quilt shop - until I got to the door - and it said
"Open by appointment" and didn't give a phone number for calling the owner.
I guess everyone in town knows who to call. . .
"Open by appointment" and didn't give a phone number for calling the owner.
I guess everyone in town knows who to call. . .

At last - Baker Lake. We had driven up in sunshine, but as we got farther
into the mountains it got colder and cloudier.

Two very nice ladies drove up and came to share our picnic shelter,
so Grampa Bear had to show off a little bit . . .

Mt. Baker is behind those clouds - they were moving fast!

This was the best shot all day - through the rain and clouds - Mt. Baker is one of the most impressive mountains I've ever seen - and I've seen a lot of mountains.

Driving back down from the lake the moss on the trees was incredible . . .

The road home - it was getting warmer and sunnier as we drove south - to be continued . . .
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Grampa Bear, Buddy E and Mrs. BrownDirt are glad you stopped by - they would love it if you would kindly leave a message.